When you want to publish a little book like this, there are important aspects to take into account. Alone, I wouldn't have been able to make it possible. Therefore, I would like to thank: Marie Noël Rio for correcting my grammar in the French version and helping me structure all my ideas for the text. Together with Franz Wilhelm Keizer, they answered my questions and accompanied me in discovering many amazing artists and people. Jenine, for correcting the English version of the texts and offering great advice, always pushing me to believe in myself and supporting me in my studies. Finally, thanks to Haeeun Shin for her layout and design work. Her previous publications are breathtaking, playful, and unconventional, and I knew I wanted to collaborate with her on the design. Working together, despite a very short schedule and the stress, turned out to be beyond my expectations. The book is available for purchase at a price of 35€, excluding mailing costs. Just send me an email at: contact.heijster(at)gmail.com.