Luminous Daisies

On the 19th of May 2024, together with Francis Belte and Adriana Štefaňáková, we had the first public presentation of "Luminous Daisies."

A performance bringing animation into conversation with a contemporary dancer and a musician in outdoor urban spaces.

In this project, I'm using a tricycle fitted out with a pair of speakers, two batteries, a tripod, a laptop, and a laser video projector. I guide the audience through the story of a daisy that gradually loses all its petals, with each character and the dancer reacting differently to this transformation.

Trailer :

poster for the Animation luminous daisies tricycle with a projector Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies Frame from the Animation luminous daisies